Thursday, February 11, 2010


Wow, it's been a month since my last post, not that anyone would notice at this point since I have no followers but that's OK. Motivation is going well right now, I'm keeping my eyes fixed on what I need to do now to build my form up for the year.

I'm even quite happy with my training right now and my weekly hours and volume continue to grow each week and the weight is even starting to come off. Sweet. I just wish spring was here so I could get out for some long rides but like better form, better weather will slowly come soon.

It's amazing what training again has done for me in a short period of time. I sleep better, feel way better, look better, and I'm more positive. I was looking over my training files the other day and noticed that in 4 weeks I've lowered my running time by 1 minute per kilometer at the same heart rate, which I think is pretty good.

It's funny how motivation breeds more motivation and how good habits and positive momentum help drive you towards your goal. Last night I attended a tri seminar hosted by former Canadian Olympic tri coach Barrie Shepley and I picked up some good running and swimming tips that should help my bio mechanics on the run and in the pool. Right now immersing myself in the sport is helping to keep my focus and motivation high.

Well, gotta run, literally, and ride so I'll post again and sooner than last time and tell all about my shinny new bike that's on the way.